Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Brief Newsflash


Our game this Sunday, April 9 has been postponed until May 14 due to a conflict with the arena.

Because the Easter Sunday falls on the next Sunday, April 16, it means we don't play again until April 23.

Here is our season schedule, barring any further changes:

April 23 vs "The OC" ** 2 pm
April 30 vs "B-Unit" ** 7 pm
May 7 vs "Brick" ** 9 pm
May 14 vs "The Incredibles" 4 pm

Playoffs run from May 21 through June 4.

Take note that we play three of our four remaining games against 'upper tier' teams(**)of the REC league.

When I spoke with Matt, who runs the league, he asked me if I thought our schedule was too tough.

You all know that I REQUESTED some games against 'upper' tier teams - and we got 'em.

As I told Matt....."We're ready to take on all comers!"

I'll be sure to send out more reminders about upcoming games. And let's get ready to 'STEP UP' our game, just a bit!

Again, no game this upcoming Sunday.

Talk to you soon!

Brady Flower

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